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Technical Requirements for Shante UPS Parallel Connection
Time:2019-08-01    Source:    Views:3317
Unlike DC converter power supply, Shante UPS power supply outputs sinusoidal wave. When parallel power supply is connected, the amplitude and phase angle of output voltage need to be controlled simultaneously, that is to say, it must operate at the same frequency, phase and amplitude. From the analysis of the basic principle of Shante UPS uninterruptible power supply parallel connection, it can be seen that if the output voltage amplitude or phase of each UPS power supply module is inconsistent, there will be active and reactive circulations between different modules; and that the modules operate at the same frequency, phase and amplitude, if the output voltage harmonics of each module contain. In large quantities, harmonic circulations will exist between the modules. As a result of serious accidents, the safe parallel operation of inverters needs to meet the following conditions.
1) Power equalization: The output voltage frequency, phase, amplitude, waveform and phase sequence of each inverter module in parallel system are basically the same. Each module shares load current equally, so that the output static power and instantaneous power distribution are balanced.
2) Automatic fault diagnosis: When the module fails, the parallel system can locate the fault inverters quickly, remove them from the parallel system, and distribute their power evenly to other modules.
3) Hot swap: When the difference of frequency, phase, amplitude and phase sequence between the output voltage and the parallel system voltage is less than the allowable error, the parallel system will be put into operation automatically, and the impact on the parallel system will be small. When any module fails or needs to be repaired, it can exit the parallel system online without power failure.
Add:Chaoyang District Wangjing Beijing garden building 25, 6032  Tel:400-168-5636    
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